Since 1898

King Koil

Inside every SmartLife is something revolutionary. 80 patented smart cells that cradle you with personalized support, let you adjust your comfort level and even massage you asleep. SmartLife by King Koil

In 1898, Samuel Bronstein realized his dream: he founded United States Bedding in St. Paul, Minnesota. What started out as six employees in a small factory has steadily grown. Throughout the early 1900s, US Bedding added employees, expanded manufacturing and became innovators in the industry. During the 1930s, US Bedding greatly improved the bedspring and was looking for a new name for its product. The King Koil name was born. Today, King Koil mattresses can be found in more than 90 countries throughout the world, with its worldwide headquarters located in Avondale, AZ.

intimate King Koil
section2 King Koil

Inside every SmartLife is something revolutionary. 80 patented smart cells that cradle you with personalized support, let you adjust your comfort level and even massage you asleep. SmartLife by King Koil

King Koil bridges the gap between high quality sleep and a life welllived, for benefits that can be felt all day through. From a days end to a fresh morning start, we are the place where wellness begins. We are well-being that is always well-made.

King Koil Products


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