The Rocking Conversation Chair

The art of 3D digital printing

250.00 KD500.00 KD


The chair is a DNA crossing between conversation and the rocking chair typologies. The Rocking Conversation is materialized using a large-scale robot arm. The robot arm moves our industrial extruder in space, laying a line of molten local recycled plastic from water gallons along a parametrically set path.

The chair is a 3D-printed monolith, with no connections nor assembly. It is designed using generative design, and refined to be both comfortable to any user/debater, as well as rocking effortlessly.

Both sculptural and fully functional the chair defines a tubular void which makes it mostly transparent in side view. The engaging playful approach, the precise ergonomic, with the rocking movement, make it a hypnotizing piece where comfort and rocking combine to extends conversations.

The morphology is a soft morphing from one chair to the facing one in a voluptuous continuous surface further revealed by the 3Dprinted lines.


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